Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful for... traveling home

photo (6)Even though we only live about 2 hours from my family, it is not always easy to make the trip home to visit.  Because Hubby has such a long commute for work, the last thing I want to ask of him to to get into a car and drive 4 hours round trip in a day.  When we travel, we take the dogs, so that means collapsing their crates and loading them into the car.  Only one of the dogs is a good traveler, and it can really fray the nerves traveling with a whiny pooch.  My parents have active lives and busy schedules, as does my sister's family.  So, traveling home tends to be limited to holidays or other special celebrations.

I am blessed in that Hubby does not work on Thanksgiving day, so we are able to travel to spend the day with my family.  Sometimes we get to go the night before, but alas that was not possible this year.  That meant hitting the road at 7 a.m. this morning, and driving 2 hours.  Hubby, as always, was more than willing to make this trip, and never even grumbled about the early morning wake up call.  By getting there early, I am actually able to help prepare a part of the meal, which of course I love doing.  It also gives me some time to visit with my family before the meal preparations start.

We get to spend time catching up on the news in life, and of course planning for Christmas.  We talk about gift ideas, and potential Black Friday bargains.  Before you know it, the pie has been eaten, the sale fliers have been perused, the leftovers have been divided, and it is time to make the long trek back.

The drive back always seems so much longer.

Tonight, I am thankful that once again, we were able to travel home and spend time with my family.  I am thankful for safe roads, minimal traffic, and the ability to recline my car seat and nap during the drive.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and many things for which to be thankful.
