Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thankful for... inspirational women

Surround yourself with people who make you a better person.
Photo courtesy of deeplifequotes
This morning, what was supposed to be an early morning cup of coffee and a short chat turned into a three hour long conversation and a foundation for a new friendship built on respect and inspiration.  I just love it when that happens.  I love meeting people who inspire me, and I doubly love it when women gain inspiration from each other.

So often, women focus so much energy on tearing each other down, seeing each other as competition, and gathering satisfaction from another's misfortune.  While I love love pink puffy heart love social media, lately I have seen it as an outlet for judgement and ugliness.  I try hard to avoid those pitfalls, sometimes I succeed and sometimes I do not.  Luckily, my life is full, I mean bursting at the seams full, of incredibly inspirational women, and it seems that number grows by the day.

Of course the biggest source of female inspiration comes from the women in my family.  My mom, sister, and niece all inspire me in so many ways, helping me shape myself into the person I want to be.  And don't even get me started on my various circles of awesome friends.  Friendships that stretch back for years, childhood friends with whom I have reconnected, friendships gained from my husband's social circle, new friendships developed through social media.  Mothers.  Sisters.  Daughters. Wives.  Girlfriends.  Leaders.  Philanthropists.  Professionals.  Authors. Bloggers. Artists.  Each and every one of you inspires me, daily.  Most you you probably have no idea how much I cherish the wisdom, support, and inspiration you provide.  Heck most of you are probably unaware.

So today, I am thankful for all the wonderful, inspirational women in my life.  Thank you for helping me be the best woman I can be.
